Maiden's Garden

Maiden's Garden

Well, our next stop is the Maiden's Garden. We turn left from main street after Cat's Alley. The road becomes narrower as you draw away from Main Street. Chariots cannot pass through here as the houses draw close on either side. When the alley ends, the garden begins -- a huge expanse of grass greener than Silvanus' forest and fountains with running water bluer than Mystra's light.

Globes of continual light shine atop iron posts throughout the garden. Many couples come here at twilight and linger through the evening; this is how the Maiden's Garden got its name. You can buy apples coated with sugar on a stick here, or even feed the ducks and fisher-kings (be careful, they bite) that swim in the small ponds.

Intrigue abounds in this remote site as Black Network assassins, Knights of the Shield and even meddling Harpers meet in secrecy here -- or so it is rumored.

Submitted by Koby Nahamias

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