Candied Apples

Apples are always in demand in the city of Arylon; you might wonder why. To prepare this dish you should send the children to pick berries in the area surrounding the city, or even from the blueberry bushes in Maiden Garden.

Crush the berries and pour the juice into a frying pan, add lots of sugar and light up the fire. Wait until the sugar melts and constantly stir it to avoid burning. When the sugar turns creamy take it off the fire and dip an apple into the melt.

During the winter, the kids enjoy sticking a wooden stick into the apple, dipping the apple into the melt and then freezing it in the snow. Without snow, it takes a couple of minutes for the caramel to solidify. (You eat it just like a lollipop, only its bigger).

Submitted by Koby Nahamias <>

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